Northwoods Cooperative Weed Management Area

Resources for Landowners

What Can I Do About Invasive Plants On My Property?
Created by the NCWMA for landowners in northern Wisconsin. Includes useful websites, local sources for assistance, and a list of resources offered through the NCWMA.
landowner handout 5.20.10.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [665.9 KB]
Homeowner's Guide to Buckthorn Control
Three-page guide on how to control buckthorn, including instructions in which herbicides to use and how to apply them. Produced by the NCWMA.
Homeownerʼs Guide to Buckthorn Control ([...]
Adobe Acrobat document [367.2 KB]
Wisconsin Restoration Consultants
From the UW-Extension and the Wisconsin DNR.
DNR List of Restoration Contractors.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [607.4 KB]
Wisconsin Native Plant Nurseries
DNR Publication NH0698. Includes a map of the location of the nurseries.
NH0698 WI Native Plant Nurseries 2023.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [302.7 KB]

LINK: Invasive Species in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin DNR has developed a comprehensive website with information on invasive species including aquatic, terrestrial, and wetland invasives.  The website also features up-to-date information on regulations and requirements for invasive species in the state. Search any species for information.

LINK: Online Invasive Plant Identification Tool

This tool helps you identify plants based on simple characteristics such as flower color, leaf shape, and site conditions.  Developed by the Renz lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Agronomy Department and UW-Extension.

LINK: Invasvise Species of Wisconsin Factsheets and Videos

The Wisconsin First Detector Network has factsheets and videos on invasive species identification and management.

VIDEO: "Little Things Big Problems"

This 7-minute video explains how invasive species, specifically spotted knapweed, have directly impacted the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and other national parks on the Great Lakes.  It was sponsored by the National Park Service.  Watch for a cameo appearance by several NCWMA members! 




A Field Guide to Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Wisconsin

A great photographic guide to common invasive species in Wisconsin. A download PDF copy is available below.

A Field Guide to Invasive Plants in Wisconsin
Field Guide of select NR-40 plants that is available through the DNR.
A Field Guide to Invasive Plants in Wisc[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [10.8 MB]
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